Original bat bola from Joel Schumacher’s superhero sequel Batman Forever. Batman (Val Kilmer) faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly scarred former District Attorney Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones), and the Riddler (Jim Carrey), a disgruntled ex-Wayne Enterprises inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on Gotham City’s residents. As the caped crusader also deals with tortured memories of his parents’ murder, he has a new romance, with psychologist Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman).
Batman used his bat bola to trip up one of Two-Face’s (Tommy Lee Jones) henchmen as he fought a group of them during a bank robbery. This bola is constrructed of resin and features a split design that allows it to fold open to reveal both bat shaped wings. The resin exhibits scuffs and scratches and measures 14″ x 8″ x 5″. This piece remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity