Center chest section of the costumes worn by the “Puddys” in the Saban television series Mighty Morphing Power Rangers Lightning Force. In the not-so-distant future, a mysterious sinister mutant named Venjix attacks Earth in hope of conquering it and obtaining all its valuable resources. But to stop him, a science teacher at Chicago Central University recruits three of his students to fight this evil by becoming the first team of Power Rangers in history – Power Rangers Lightning Force. This piece was used in the center of the chest armor worn by the Puddy soldiers in the show. Made from urethane this piece is very dense, silver and round in shape with a raised “Z” on the front. The back of the piece has two strips of nylon cast into it allowing for it to be attached to the costume. This item remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.