Set of two storyboard pages used in the production of the Christopher Nolan superhero film Batman Begins. A young Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels to the Far East, where he’s trained in the martial arts by Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson), a member of the mysterious League of Shadows. When Ducard reveals the League’s true purpose — the complete destruction of Gotham City — Wayne returns to Gotham intent on cleaning up the city without resorting to murder. With the help of Alfred (Michael Caine), his loyal butler, and Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), a tech expert at Wayne Enterprises, Batman is born.
These pages were used in the pre-production of the film and planned out the scene where the ninja temple is burning and Bruce Wayne tries to save Ra’s Al Ghul from falling over the ice cliff. This set features two pages with inkjet printed images and lettering. Each page shows slight wear such as bends and folds from use in the production and measures 8” x 11”. This set remains in excellent, production used condition.