A Wolf-Drac, portrayed by actor Gary Oldman head casting made for Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 horror film Dracula. Count Dracula, a 15th-century prince, is condemned to live off the blood of the living for eternity. Young lawyer Jonathan Harker is sent to Dracula’s castle to finalise a land deal, but when the Count sees a photo of Harker’s fiancée, Mina, the spitting image of his dead wife, he imprisons him and sets off for London to track her down.
Made of biscuit foam, this piece was created as a reference for the make-up department. Cast from molds using original facial appliances used to transform the actor, and features jagged teeth, a protruding snout with slit-like nostrils, and includes elongated wolf ears. The piece shows some wear to the foam due to production use and age, however it remains in good condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.