Original sword featured in the production of the 2012 DC Superhero television show Arrow. When presumed-dead billionaire playboy Oliver Queen returns home to Starling City after five years stranded on a remote island in the Pacific, he hides the changes the experience had on him, while secretly seeking reconciliation with his ex, Laurel. By day he picks up where he left off, playing the carefree philanderer he used to be, but at night he dons the alter ego of Arrow and works to right the wrongs of his family and restore the city to its former glory. Complicating his mission is Laurel’s father, Detective Quentin Lance, who is determined to put the vigilante behind bars.
This sword was used by the character of Deathstroke, actor Manu Bennet in the thirteenth episode of the first season entitled “Betrayal”. This is a stunt sword, made of a dense urethane rubber with a faux black wrapped handle, painted gold tsuba and silver blade. This piece shows signs of wear in the form of small scrapes and scuffs, but remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.