Original Force Lance and holster set featured in the production of the 2000 Gene Roddenberry science fiction television show Andromeda. Set in deep space, the programme revolves around the adventures of Dylan Hunt, captain of the Andromeda Ascendant, his crew members, and their efforts to restore the Systems Commonwealth, a government that was responsible for a time of extended peace and prosperity. The sci-fi series is based on previously unused materials written by late writer Gene Roddenberry.
This is the second version of the High Guard Force Lance that appeared on screen and is the 14″ long version which was used mostly throughout the series run. This piece is static, with no moving parts or working lights. Made of cast resin, this cylindrical prop is grey in color with hues of metallic blue and a black handle section. The emitter features a piece of clear acrylic. Included is the black leather waist holster with metal buckle. This set remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity