Flannel shirt worn by the title character of Jessica Jones, actress Krysten Ritter in the Netflix Marvel superhero show Jessica Jones. Following the tragic end of her brief superhero career, Jessica Jones tries to rebuild her life as a private investigator, dealing with cases involving people with remarkable abilities in New York City. This is a long sleeved button up flannel shirt that is blue in color with light blue and dark red stripping. The shirt features two pockets on the front chest area and has been heavily distressed by the production to look worn and used. This piece was originally sold in the studio sanctioned auctions and remains in excellent, production used condition.
Stunt version of a yellow “Gameboy” brand handheld gaming console featured in the Netflix original series Jessica Jones. This is a VFX stunt version made of light foam and detailed just like the hero console. This piece features a small section of green tracking tape on the screen where it would have been replaced by visual effects. This console belonged to Phillip Jones and can be seen in the episode “AKA WWJD” where a young Jessica Jones plays with it in the backseat of a car. This piece was originally sold in the studio sanctioned auctions and remains in excellent, production used condition.
These items come with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.