Lightsaber used in the production of the 2024 Disney+ series The Acolyte. “The Acolyte” is a Star Wars series set during the high republic era, roughly 100 years before the Phantom Menace, where a former Padawan reunites with her Jedi master to investigate a series of mysterious crimes, uncovering sinister forces lurking within the galaxy as they delve deeper into a dark secret past.
This is the Lightsaber used by the Sith Qimir, actor Manny Jacinto throughout the series. This is a static hilt which was used for scenes where he would not be fighting with the saber, such as hanging from his belt or holding in his hand. The hilt is made of solid resin and features a circular design sectioned off with a small activation button located on the side. The hilt has a metal belt hanger on the bottom section as well as a small round plastic belt attachment on the side. Thee saber is painted in dark greens with hues of black and gun metal with an aged patina in-between each section giving the appearance of aged bronze. The saber is in excellent condition with minor wear from use in the series. This piece remains in production condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.