Original chair back used in the production of the Brian Singer superhero sequel X2: X-Men United. Stryker (Brian Cox), a villianous former Army commander, holds the key to Wolverine’s (Hugh Jackman) past and the future of the X-Men. This threat re-ignites the call for a mutant registration act. Stryker starts a full-out assault on Professor Xavier’s (Patrick Stewart) mansion and school. After escaping his plastic cell, Magneto (Ian McKellen) proposes a partnership with Xavier and the X-Men to combat this new formidable enemy they both have in common.
Chair-backs were used to save the seat for specific actors and production members while filming. This piece was used for the actor Hugh Jackman who portrayed Wolverine in the film. This piece is made of red canvas and features the films logo hand painted on one side and the actors name in white one the other. This item shows signs of wear from use but remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.