Set of Animatronic “Rod Puppet” Insert Arm’s used in the production of the 2011 sci-fi comedy Paul. For the past 60 years, a wisecracking alien named Paul (Seth Rogen) has resided at a top-secret military base in America’s UFO heartland. When Paul decides he has had enough of Earth, he escapes from the compound and hops on the first handy vehicle — a rented RV manned by two British sci-fi nerds named Graeme (Simon Pegg) and Clive (Nick Frost). With federal agents and the father of an accidental kidnap victim on their tail, the two hatch a crazy plan to help Paul return to his spaceship.
These arms were used on the life-size rod puppet stand in on set during filming and would have attached to the main puppet’s arms and be controlled off screen by a puppeteer. This set includes both of the characters arms, each made of foam latex with the main forearm and three fingers. The arms are attached to long metal rods with a separate metal joint where they would attach to the puppet. On each protruding rod there is a small lever controller to move the wrist section, and a series of small servos with attached metal wire that run’s to each hand, controlling movement of the individual fingers. The foam latex features sympathetic restoration and is still in good condition. Each arm measures a little over 36″ and remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity