Original Meiloorun Fruit used in the production of the hit Disney+ Star Wars series The Mandalorian. The Mandalorian, alternatively titled as Star Wars: The Mandalorian is a live-action space western Star Wars television series developed by Lucasfilm. The series takes place about five years after the events of the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi and about twenty-five years before the events of the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens
The Meiloorun fruit can be seen when the IG droid hands one to Grogu to eat while Grogu is using the body for transportation. This piece is made of cast resin and is hollow, featuring small spikes on the outside that are cast into the main body. The fruit is painted orange with hues of yellow and features a brown and green “stem” section. This piece shows signs of wear such as chipping in the past but remains in excellent, production used conduction.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.