Miniature tombstone featured in the production of the 1992 horror comedy Army of Darkness. Ash is transported back to medieval days, where he is captured by the dreaded Lord Arthur. Aided by the deadly chainsaw that has become his only friend, Ash is sent on a perilous mission to recover the Book of the Dead, a powerful tome that gives its owner the power to summon an army of ghouls.
This gravestone can be seen in the films notable graveyard sequence where the Deadites come back to life, which was done on a miniature scale with stop motion animation. This piece is made of cast resin with a texture resembling stone. The piece has been painted and aged white and weathered by the production to look aged and worn. There are sections of foam latex at the bottom that are degraded but still present. This piece measures 3.75” x 2.5” and remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.