Set of mannacles used in the production of the Marvel Studios superhero sequel Thor: The Dark World. In ancient times, the gods of Asgard fought and won a war against an evil race known as the Dark Elves. The survivors were neutralized, and their ultimate weapon — the Aether — was buried in a secret location. Hundreds of years later, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) finds the Aether and becomes its host, forcing Thor (Chris Hemsworth) to bring her to Asgard before Dark Elf Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) captures her and uses the weapon to destroy the Nine Realms — including Earth.
This set of Asguardian cuffs were used on prisoners of Asguardian and can be seen during the prison scenes where Loki is being confined in his cell. Each round cuff section is made of cast resin and are in two pieces, that when pulled apart open the cuffs and lock back in with magnets holding them closed. Each cuff is painted silver and aged to look worn, and features cast in detailing in the form of Asguardian Runes. The cuffs are connected together with a faux chain made of cast resin. This piece remains in excellent, production used condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity