Original hatchet used in the production of the 1979 Ridley Scott classic Alien. In deep space, the crew of the commercial starship Nostromo is awakened from their cryo-sleep capsules halfway through their journey home to investigate a distress call from an alien vessel. The terror begins when the crew encounters a nest of eggs inside the alien ship. An organism from inside an egg leaps out and attaches itself to one of the crew, causing him to fall into a coma.
Constructed of forged steel with back of wedge blade and handle studio-painted white. Retaining the manufacturer’s imprint on the butt of the handle reading, “Estwing, Rockford, ILI, Y, Made in U.S.A.” Highly visible when Ripley undresses for stasis and is horrified to see the “Xenomorph” concealed within a bank of equipment. Hatchets like this one can also be seen used as set decoration on the walls in the storage area. Exhibiting production wear, age, and minor scraping to the white paint as well as chipping to the steel blade edge. In production used, good to very good condition.
This item comes with a Hero Prop Certificate of Authenticity.